The present method of performing manual coronary angiography requires repetitive manipulation of a cumbersome stopcock-manifold system and contrast injection by hand syringe. This study reports a novel mechanical contrast injector with automated manifold that provides finger touch operator-controlled contrast injections. The ACIST Injection System components include a software-controlled syringe injector, a disposable automated manifold without stopcocks, a disposable hand controller, and a touch screen control panel. The ACIST system was evaluated in 50 patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography (n = 37) or coronary interventions (n = 13). In all cases, the system was easy to use and provided excellent quality images even with four catheters, as well as imaging during stent positioning with 6Fr guides. This mechanical injector facilitates precision operator-controlled angiographic injections, provides superb high quality coronary images even with very small lumen catheters, and expedites ventriculography during angiographic procedures.