The rhesus monkey is often used in pre-clinical research, and such studies frequently involve a variety of anesthetic conditions. Therefore, it is important to determine baseline physiologic blood chemistry and cardiovascular parameters in anesthetized animals to facilitate appropriate comparisons. The present study compares the cardiovascular parameters, hematology, serum chemistry, and blood gas levels of rhesus monkeys anesthetized with pentobarbital, isoflurane, ketamine, and propofol. Hematology, serum chemistry, and blood gas levels were unaffected by the four anesthetic regimens. However, because of its formulation, propofol is inappropriate for use in animals in which changes in tryglycerides will be evaluated. Compared to those in conscious, unrestrained monkeys, heart rates were higher in anesthetized animals, but the rates of anesthetized animals were similar regardless of anesthetic agent used. In contrast, mean arterial blood pressure was lower in animals anesthetized with pentobarbital, propofol, or isoflurane than in the conscious monkeys. However, mean arterial pressure of ketamine-anesthetized monkeys was similar to that of the conscious monkeys.