PIP: The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) sponsored attendance at the Fourth World Conference on Women and the NGO (nongovernmental) Forum by two representatives of the Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS). This article contains the personal impressions of one of these women. All UNFPA-funded participants attended a briefing where they learned of the importance of the NGO Forum and what was expected of them (in continuing their efforts to achieve the emancipation of women). The CAFS delegation worked with the delegation from the International Planned Parenthood Federation's African Regional office to present the strengths and problems faced by African women. The CAFS representatives also attended as many workshops and meetings on reproductive health and rights as possible and lobbied for removal of the brackets from sections of the Programme of Action. Among the other issues considered at the conference were: 1) the impact of public policies on the quality of life of women, 2) the role of the mass media, 3) new fertility regulation technologies, 4) the necessity to consider women in a holistic manner, 5) identification of new women's health issues, and 6) violence against women.