Range expansions through human introductions have increased with global commerce and have led to the extinction of native species, alterations in community structure and pest status of the invasive species. Inferring the evolutionary history of invasive species can help to build a firmer footing for management tactics. This study used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence comparisons of samples collected from the native and introduced ranges of a pest herbivore of cultivated grapes, grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch, Phylloxeridae) to infer the sources and pattern of introductions into worldwide viticulture. Introductions into viticulture from its native North American range first occurred in the mid-19th century. The pattern of spread has suggested a focus of introduction into France, but independent introductions may have occurred elsewhere. The results show that the introduced population represents a limited subsample of the native genetic diversity. The data suggest that most grape phylloxera in viticulture, including all European, have originated in the northeastern USA where the grape species Vitis riparia dominates. There was evidence for independent introductions into South Africa and California. Most California haplotypes were most closely related to native grape phylloxera from the Atlantic Coast on V. vulpina. It is likely that subsequent spread from California into Australia, New Zealand and Peru has occurred.