PIP: Shanghai's crude birth rate stood at 12.7/1000 in 1989, and its municipal government has an exceptionally strong commitment to family planning activities. To measure the effects of family planning activities on Shanghai's declining fertility, study was conducted in 2 urban districts and 2 rural counties of Shanghai in April-May 1988. A sample of 11,073 married women representing different levels of socioeconomic development and family planning program implementation was selected. Three evaluative methods--prevalence model, reproductive process analysis, and couple-years of protection--were used to assess the demographic effectiveness of available birth control methods. The prevalence model analysis revealed substantial reductions in fertility as a result of contraceptives provided by Shanghai's family planning program, especially among women 25-29 years of age. A total of 3602 births were estimated to have been averted in this sample in 1987 as a result of contraceptive use; 77% of births averted were due to IUD use, 8% to condoms, and 5% to oral contraceptives. The reproductive process analysis indicated that the retention span of an IUD increases with age, to reach a maximum number of births averted (3.2) at ages 25-29 years. Finally, the IUD's standardized couple-years of protection was found to total 933.7 for 1987's 1029 new acceptors, with 0.36 births averted per acceptor.