Many alpha integrin subunits are cleaved during their processing to yield heavy and light chains, which remain associated by disulfide bonds. While uncleaved alpha integrin subunits can form functional receptors that sometimes have distinct signaling roles from their better-characterized endoproteolytically cleaved counterparts, their expression at the cell surface and their association with signaling complexes have yet to be determined in vivo. In this study, we demonstrate that, in differentiating lens fiber cells, the uncleaved form of alpha 6 integrin was expressed at the cell surface. This form of alpha 6 integrin coimmunoprecipitated with both the signaling adaptor molecule Shc and its downstream effector Grb2, suggesting that, in lens fiber cells, uncleaved alpha 6 integrin was associated with a Shc-mediated signaling complex. We show that expression of the cleaved form of alpha 6 integrin progressively decreased relative to uncleaved alpha 6 integrin as the state of lens cell differentiation increased, resulting in the predominance of uncleaved alpha 6 integrin in the lens fiber cell zones. Interestingly, we previously have shown that alpha 6 integrin is localized principally along the extensive cell-cell interfaces of these lens fiber cells, in the absence of its extracellular matrix ligand laminin. While we found that the cleaved form of alpha 6 integrin contained both high mannose and complex sugars, the uncleaved form of alpha 6 integrin contained only high mannose sugars. These properties suggest that the uncleaved form of alpha 6 integrin may have a unique role in the embryonic lens. Its high association with Shc and Grb2 in the differentiating cortical fiber cell zone indicates that alpha 6 integrin may provide a cell survival signal in the presence of the apoptotic-like processes that are initiated in this region of the embryonic lens to clear the lens cells of their organelles.