Purpose: A unique case of simultaneous ipsilateral choroidal and orbital hemangiomas is described.
Methods: A 71-year-old man was found to have a left orbital intraconal mass while being worked up for intractable headache. He also had a left juxtapapillary choroidal hemangioma which did not cause any leakage to macular area.
Results: The left intraconal tumor was removed by medial transconjunctival orbitotomy. Histopathological examination revealed cavernous hemangioma. The ipsilateral choroidal hemangioma was managed by observation only. During 15 months of follow-up, there has been no growth or accumulation of subretinal fluid.
Conclusions: The occurrence of orbital cavernous and choroidal hemangiomas on the same side suggests common pathogenic derangement acting on two different sites.