Storage of foliar-absorbed nitrogen and remobilization for spring growth in young nectarine (Prunus persica var. nectarina) trees

Tree Physiol. 1998 Mar;18(3):203-207. doi: 10.1093/treephys/18.3.203.


The effectiveness of spraying foliage with urea to provide nitrogen (N) to augment the seasonal internal cycling of N in young nectarine trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch var. nectarina (Ait. f. Maxim.), cv. Stark Red Gold) was studied. One-year-old trees were grown with contrasting N supplies during the summer and foliage was sprayed with a 2% urea solution labeled with (15)N just before leaf senescence started. After leaf abscission had finished, the trees were repotted in sand and given no further N. Remobilization of both labeled and unlabeled N for leaf growth the following spring was quantified. Leaves absorbed between 58 and 69% of the (15)N intercepted by the canopy irrespective of tree N status. During leaf senescence, the majority of (15)N was withdrawn from the leaves into the shoot and roots. Remobilization of (15)N the following spring was also unaffected by tree N status. About 38-46% of (15)N in the trees was recovered in the new growth. More unlabeled N (derived from root uptake) was remobilized for leaf growth in the spring than was withdrawn from leaves during canopy senescence the previous autumn. Therefore, soil-applied N augmented N storage pools directly, and contributed more to N remobilization the following spring than did foliar-absorbed (15)N.