Chromosome analysis in a couple referred because of two spontaneous abortions showed a normal 46,XX karyotype in the 28-year-old female and an aberrant Y chromosome with an enlarged short arm in the 30-year-old male. Subsequent chromosome analysis showed that his 33-year-old brother was carrier of the same Y chromosome aberration. Further characterization of the aberrant Y chromosome with FISH using probes specific for chromosome bands Yp11.32, Yq11.2, the centromere and the subtelomeric region of the p-arm of the Y chromosome showed that chromosome band Yq11.2 was duplicated and inserted in the p-arm of the Y chromosome. Combining the results of the analysis of GTG-banded chromosomes and of the FISH analysis we conclude that both patients have a 46,X,ins dup(Y)(pter --> p11.23::q12 --> q11.1::p11.23 -->) karyotype. The clinical and cytogenetical findings are reported and discussed.
Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.