Background: To evaluate the efficacy of the urinary test "Persona" in the recognition of the fertile period comparing hormonal assay and monitoring the follicular growth by ultrasonography.
Methods: Twenty women have used "Persona" for 13 cycles (200 cycles). This device evaluates changes in E-3-G and LH concentrations and estimates the fertile days which are displayed by a red light. Inclusion criteria were: age 22-45, regular menstrual cycles (23-35 days), absence of the polycystic ovary syndrome. The participants underwent vaginal ultrasonography in several days (one of the first 7 "green days", the first "red day", the ovulation day "O", and the first "green day" after ovulation) and determination of blood concentration of LH, in the ovulation day, and progesterone, in the 21st day of cycle.
Results: Vaginal ultrasonography was in agreement with predictions of "Persona" in 96% in the first "green days", in 94% in the first "red day", in 95,8% in the ovulation day and in 97,5% in the first "green day" after ovulation. All participants with ultrasonographic evidence of ovulation had a concentration of LH included in 13-71 mUI/ml range and of progesterone included in 12-50 ng/ml range.
Conclusions: These results suggest that the "Persona" test is effective in the recognition of the fertile period, but a correct maintenance of the microcomputer is important for the best reliability of method. The method seems to be a wellcome alternative for couples who want to use natural family planning.