Sugar reception in the blowfly: a possible Ca(++) involvement

J Insect Physiol. 2002 Jul;48(7):693-699. doi: 10.1016/s0022-1910(02)00092-6.


The present study investigates the effects of W-7 (a calmodulin antagonist involved in the Ca(++) cascade) on the response of the 'sugar' and 'water' cells of labellar chemosensilla in the blowfly Protophormia terraenovae to stimulation with sucrose or fructose. In order to ascertain whether Ca(++) conductance is involved, the effects of EGTA, one of the most used Ca(++) chelating agent, and of SK&F-96365, an inhibitor of receptor mediated calcium influx, were also studied. Our electrophysiological data indicate that W-7 addition strongly depresses the 'sugar' chemoreceptor response to both sugars and in the case of sucrose stimulation also influences adaptation rate. The Ca(++) chelator has no significant effects on the response of the 'sugar' cell following stimulation with sucrose, but lowers fructose stimulating effectiveness. In the presence of SK&F-96365 both sucrose and fructose responses are inhibited. A possible transduction mechanism for sugar reception is discussed.