IGP synthase is a glutamine amidotransferase that incorporates ammonia derived from glutamine into the unusual nucleotide, N(1)-[(5'-phosphoribulosyl)-formimino]-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (PRFAR) to form 5'-(5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide) ribonucleotide (AICAR) and imidazole glycerol phosphate (IGP). A common feature of all glutamine amidotransferases is the upregulation of glutamine hydrolysis in the presence of an acceptor substrate. A refined assay system was developed to establish that Saccharomyces cerevisae IGP synthase shows a 4900-fold stimulation of glutaminase in the presence of the substrate acceptor PRFAR. The structure and function of IGP synthase acceptor substrate binding site were probed with competitive inhibitors that are nucleotide substrate and product analogues. In addition, these analogues were also used to establish that the normal steady-state turnover cycle involves a random sequential mechanism. Upregulation of the glutaminase active site occurs when these competitive inhibitors bind in the nucleotide site over 30 A away. One of the key structural features of IGP synthase is that the transfer of ammonia from the glutaminase site occurs through the (beta/alpha)(8) core of the protein. Upon the basis of the recent substrate-occupied structure for yeast IGP synthase (1), kinetic investigations of site-directed mutants revealed that a conserved K258 residue is key to productive binding and the overall stoichiometry of the reaction. The binding of the ribulosyl phosphate portion of the substrate PRFAR appears to be transduced through reorientation of K258 resulting in a conformational switch at the base of the (beta/alpha)(8) core that enables the passage of ammonia through the core of the protein. The overall analysis also leads to further discussion of how the residues that cover the opening of the (beta/alpha)(8) in the closed state may assist the channeling of ammonia at the interface of the two functional domains in the open state.