We report a case of a 38-years-old HIV-positive patient, undergoing in the last 18 months therapy with three antiretroviral drugs including a protease inhibitor (nelfinavir). The patient was admitted in our Department with acute anterior myocardial infarction and was submitted to PTCA on the left anterior descending coronary artery. The patient, a 30 cigarettes/day smoker, with family history of hypertension and high levels of trygliceride and cholesterol, was subsequently admitted to our Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit. Cardiac Rehabilitation Program was composed of cycle aerobic training 4 times/week, dietary education, psychologic support and therapy with pravastatin, aspirin, nitrate, enalapril, and carvedilol. At the end of the 8 week Rehabilitation Program we observed a normalization of cholesterol and trygliceride levels and an improvement of cardiac functional capacity and mental health.