BEN is a member of the TFII-I family of transcription factors, characterized by the presence of multiple helix-loop-helix repeat domains. Our immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated broad and extensive expression of BEN during mouse pre- and postimplantation development, with highest levels occurring during early to midgestation. Maternally expressed BEN is present in both the cytoplasm and nuclei of the zygote; however, it retains a predominantly nuclear localization between the two-cell stage of development and early blastocyst stages. This nuclear expression is observed in most tissues throughout development. Although, it is interesting to note that at E4.5-6.5, during early gastrulation stage, BEN is localized in the cytoplasm. At later stages, BEN retains an extensive expression pattern in a variety of developing systems implicating its involvement in tissue development and organogenesis.