To determine the degree of variation of neuronal morphology both within and between the subnuclei of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (dmnX), structural features of the preganglionic neurons of each of the five primary subnuclei in the rat dmnX were characterized quantitatively. Each of the columnar subnuclei was separately labeled by application of the retrograde tracer fast blue to its corresponding subdiaphragmatic vagal branch. Fixed brain slices of 100 microns thickness were then prepared in coronal, sagittal, and horizontal orientations. Next, randomly selected fast blue labeled neurons (n = 1,256) were injected with Lucifer yellow, drawn with camera lucida, and digitized. For each cell, three features of the perikaryon and twelve of the dendritic tree were measured. Dorsal motor nucleus neurons with up to eight primary dendrites, 30 dendritic segments, and seventh order dendritic branches were observed. Throughout the dmnX, the dendrites of preganglionic neurons were preferentially oriented in the horizontal plane. Consistent with an organizing role for the columnar subnuclei, most dendrites remained within their column of origin. However, between 5 and 30% of the neurons in each of the columns projected dendrites into adjacent dmnX subnuclei or other brainstem nuclei, including the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). The cyto- and dendroarchitectural analyses revealed systematic gradations in morphology, although they did not support the idea that the dmnX was composed of multiple distinct preganglionic types. The most parsimonious interpretation of the data is that dmnX motorneurons are variants of a single prototype, with dendrites varying widely in length and degree of ramification. The extent of an individual preganglionic neuron's dendritic field was predicted by three factors: the cell's rostrocaudal position within the dmnX, its location within a transverse plane (i.e., its coronal position within or ectopic to the dmnX), and its subnucleus of origin. Neurons at rostral and midlongitudinal levels of each column had more extensive dendritic arbors than those at caudal levels. Ectopic neurons had more extensive dendritic fields than similar cells in the corresponding columns; in fact, of all vagal preganglionic neurons, ectopics had the most extensive dendritic fields. Somata and dendrites of celiac column neurons were more extensive than those of hepatic and gastric column cells. These differential regional distributions of vagal preganglionics suggest that their structure and function are correlated.