The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive survey on the compositional properties of LDL (e.g., lipid classes, fatty acids, antioxidants) relevant for its susceptibility to oxidation, on the mechanism and kinetics of LDL oxidation, and on the chemical and physico-chemical properties of LDL oxidized by exposure to copper ions. Studies on the occurrence of oxidized LDL in plasma, arteries, and plaques of humans and experimental animals are discussed with particular focus on the use of poly- and monoclonal antibodies for immunochemical demonstration of apolipoprotein B modifications characteristic for lipid peroxidation. Apart from uptake of oxidized LDL by macrophages, studies describing biological effects of heavily or minimally oxidized LDL are only briefly addressed, since several reviews dealing with this subject were recently published. This article is concluded with a section on the role of natural and synthetic antioxidants in protecting LDL against oxidation, as well as some previously unpublished material from our laboratories.