The inguinal hernia repair account among surgical procedures the most frequently performed in children. Most inguinal hernias in infants and children are indirect due to patent processus vaginalis. Failure of closure of the processus vaginalis accounts for nearly all the inguino scrotal abnormalities seen in infancy and childhood. In little girls, the processus (canal de Nuck) may remain patent and may allow the ovary and fallopian tube to enter the inguinal region. Incarceration represents the most common complications associated (30 per-cent during the first year of life). Consequences concern in the first place the testicular blood supply before to interest the vitality of the incarcerated intestine. The surgically repair is recommended shortly after the diagnosis. The concurrence rate of recurrent inguinal hernia after uncomplicated inguinal hernia repairs is generally reported at 0.5-1 per cent, increasing for premature infant and complicated inguinal hernia.