Background: Laxity and rhytids of the lower eyelids are common cosmetic concerns. Historically, correction has either been surgical through either transcutaneous or transconjunctival blepharoplasty or ablative through laser resurfacing or chemical peeling. Therapeutic options usually require significant postoperative healing and have the potential risk of scarring ectropion or pigmentary loss.
Objective: To report the use of a new technique that uses nonablative radiofrequency (NARF) to tighten noninvasively and nonsurgically the flaccid skin of the lower eyelids by treating the periorbital area to produce cosmetic improvement.
Methods: Nine patients with skin flaccidity of the lower eyelids had a single treatment session with NARF in a small area of skin in the periorbital region, specifically the zygomatic and/or temporal areas. All patients were treated with topical anesthesia only. The treatment lasted approximately 10 minutes. No postoperative care was required.
Results: All of the nine patients in the study achieved cosmetic improvement of the eyelids ostensibly through skin contraction. All patients were able to return to their normal routines immediately. Although the results were gradual, patient satisfaction was remarkable. No complications were seen in this study.
Conclusion: This new procedure using NARF was successful in providing a safe, noninvasive, cosmetic improvement in these patients with excessive skin laxity of the lower eyelids. Postoperative morbidity, including down time and complications, was not seen.