The L-Glutamate, is dicarboxilic amino acid which plays the important role in maintenance of normal functioning of the central nervous system (CNS) in invertebrate and vertebrate animals. It carrying out functions of amphibolic intermediate in biosynthesis and degradation of amino acids and some nitrogenous substances. Besides, L-Glutamate acid possesses a significant role in the regulation of the bioenergetics processes that proceeding in nervous system, due to direct or indirect participations in the reactions of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, synthesis of ketone bodies and formation of glycogen. Also, L-Glutamate accepts direct participation in realization of a citrate cycle reactions, a respiratory circuit; in conversion of ammonia and it excretion from an organism. However the most important function of the L-Glutamate--its participation in the processes of nervous regulation as excitatory neuromediator in the CNS of invertebrate and vertebrate animals.