During the past few years several new interacting partners for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been discovered, suggesting that the activity of these receptors is more complex than previously anticipated. Recently, candidate G protein-coupled receptor associated sorting protein (GASP-1) has been identified as a novel interacting partner for the delta opioid receptor and has been proposed to determine the degradative fate of this receptor. We show here that GASP-1 associates in vitro with other opioid receptors and that the interaction domain in these receptors is restricted to a small portion of the carboxyl-terminal tail, corresponding to helix 8 in the three-dimensional structure of rhodopsin. In addition, we show that GASP-1 interacts with COOH-terminus of several other GPCRs from subfamilies A and B and that two conserved residues within the putative helix 8 of these receptors are critical for the interaction with GASP-1. In situ hybridization and northern blot analysis indicate that GASP-1 mRNA is mainly distributed throughout the central nervous system, consistent with a potential interaction with numerous GPCRs in vivo. Finally, we show that GASP-1 is a member of a novel family comprising at least 10 members, whose genes are clustered on chromosome X. Another member of the family, GASP-2, also interacts with the carboxyl-terminal tail of several GPCRs. Therefore, GASP proteins may represent an important protein family regulating GPCR physiology.