Purpose: To report a case of bilateral bull's-eye maculopathy in a patient who ingested uva ursi, a known inhibitor of melanin synthesis, for 3 years before the onset of symptoms.
Design: Observational case report.
Methods: Both eyes of a female patient were examined in the clinical practice setting.
Results: A 56-year-old woman who ingested uva ursi for 3 years noted a decrease in visual acuity within the past year. Ocular examination including fluorescein angiography revealed a typical bull's-eye maculopathy bilaterally.
Conclusions: Uva ursi is a known inhibitor of melanin synthesis. It is necessary to broaden the list of potential retinal toxic drugs to include herbal adjuvants such as Uva Ursi and to elicit a history of their use in patients with unexplained ocular findings.