Background: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are widely used as the first-line treatment for depression. Information regarding their side effects is mostly based on controlled clinical trials.
Method: Patients who received an SSRI for a new or recurrent case of depression (ICD-9 code 296.2 or 311) between December 15, 1999, and May 31, 2000 were interviewed by telephone 75 to 105 days after initiation of SSRI therapy. Using closed-ended questions, investigators asked patients if they experienced any of 17 side effects commonly associated with SSRIs, how bothersome they were, and what their duration was. Prescribing physicians completed a written survey providing their estimates about frequency of side effects associated with SSRIs and how bothersome those side effects are.
Results: Of 401 patients who completed the phone interview, 344 patients (86%) reported at least 1 side effect, and 219 patients (55%) experienced 1 or more bothersome side effect(s). The most common bothersome side effects were sexual dysfunction and drowsiness (17% each). While most side effects first occurred within the first 2 weeks of treatment, the majority of patients were still experiencing the same side effects at the time of interview, most notably blurred vision (85%) and sexual dysfunction (83%). Overall, physicians (N = 137) significantly underestimated the occurrence of the 17 side effects explored, and they tended to underrate how bothersome those side effects were to their patients.
Conclusion: Side effects associated with SSRIs are common and bothersome to patients. Treatment-emergent side effects tend to persist during the first 3 months of treatment.