The major O-linked oligosaccharide structures attached to human glycophorin A (GPA) have been extensively characterized previously. Our own recent findings, obtained by immunochemical methods, suggested the presence of blood group A and B determinants in O-glycans of human glycophorin originating from blood group A or B erythrocytes, respectively. Here, we elucidate the structure of O-glycans, isolated from GPA of blood group A, B, and O individuals by reductive beta-elimination, carrying A, B or H blood group epitopes, respectively. Structural studies based on nanoflow electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry and earlier reported data on the carbohydrate moiety of GPA and ABH antigens allowed us to conclude that these blood group epitopes are elongations of the beta-GlcNAc branch attached to C-6 of the reducing GalNAc. The galactose linked to C-3 of the reducing GalNAc carries NeuAcalpha2-3 linked residue. Identified here O-glycans were found in low amounts, their content estimated at about one percent of all GPA O-glycans. These O-glycans with type-2 core, carrying the blood group A, B or H determinants, have not been identified in GPA so far. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of nanoESI MS/MS in detecting minor oligosaccharide components present in a mixture with much more abundant structures.