This pilot study used a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design to examine if participation in a chronic disease self-management program (CDSMP) improved self-efficacy, self-efficacy health, and self-management behaviors in an underserved, poor, rural population. The sample, recruited from two clinics in a south central state, consisted of 48 adults (59.70 +/- 11.22 years) and was 79.2% Caucasian (n = 38) and 20.8% (n = 10) African American. Trained lay leaders with chronic illnesses directed the interactive CDSMP based on Bandura's self-efficacy theory that included strategies for personal exercise program development, cognitive symptom management, problem solving, and communication skills. Program-specific paper-and-pencil instruments were completed prior to and immediately after completion of the 6-week program. Significant improvements (p <.10) in self-efficacy, self-efficacy health, and self-management behaviors occurred. Results underscore the need to evaluate intervention programs for specific populations and for a new paradigm that focuses on patient-provider partnerships that can improve health outcomes in underserved, poor, rural populations.