Post-operative pancreatic fistulae represent a challenge for all the actors in gastroenterology: for surgeons, because they want to prevent and treat conservatively this complication since re-operation is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates; for radiologists, because they have to provide the best staging and informations without any additional risk; and for endoscopists, because endoluminal treatment is emerging as a safe and effective procedure provided it is performed in highly experienced tertiary centres in the setting of a multidisciplinary approach. Herein, we review the definitions, the causes, the staging and the possible options to prevent or treat post-operative pancreatic fistulae. Special attention is paid to the endoscopic management of this complication: including the relief of ductal obstructions, the stenting of leakages and the drainage of bulging or non-bulging fluid collections. Practical problems and issues are clearly outlined as well as the need for future improvements in staging and management of the patients having such complications.