The vanilloid receptor TRPV1 plays a well-established functional role in the detection of a range of chemical and thermal noxious stimuli, such as those associated with tissue inflammation and the resulting pain. TRPV1 activation results in membrane depolarization, but may also trigger intracellular Ca2+ -signalling events. In a proteomic screen for proteins associated with the C-terminal sequence of TRPV1, we identified beta-tubulin as a specific TRPV1-interacting protein. We demonstrate that the TRPV1 C-terminal tail is capable of binding tubulin dimers, as well as of binding polymerized microtubules. The interaction is Ca2+ -sensitive, and affects microtubule properties, such as microtubule sensitivity towards low temperatures and nocodazole. Our data thus provide compelling evidence for the interaction of TRPV1 with the cytoskeleton. The Ca2+ -sensitivity of this interaction suggests that the microtubule cytoskeleton at the cell membrane may be a downstream effector of TRPV1 activation.