Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the commonest prenatal diagnoses made on routine ultrasound screening. Overall, up to 33% of CHD are associated with fetal aneuploidy. However, some specific cardiac lesions have a significantly greater association with particular chromosomal abnormalities. The majority of fetuses with CHD and aneuploidy also have extra-cardiac anomalies and are best managed by a multidisciplinary team where the management and prognosis of the cardiac defect can be discussed in the context of the baby as a whole. It is therefore important for clinicians involved in the management of fetuses with CHD to be aware of the association of aneuploidy as well as the prognosis and management of these cases, so that they can appropriately counsel the parents. In this chapter, we review the frequency and types of aneuploidy associated with the commonly diagnosed CHD and discuss their management.
2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.