9-Hydroperoxy-18-hydroxyoctadec-10(trans)-enoic and 10-hydroperoxy-18-hydroxyoctadec-8(trans)-enoic acids deriving from type II (i.e. involving 1O2) photooxidation of 18-hydroxyoleic acid were detected after visible light-induced senescence experiments carried out with Petroselinum sativum and subsequent cutin depolymerisation. These results showed that in senescent plants, where the 1O2 formation rate exceeds the quenching capacity of the photoprotective system, 1O2 can migrate outside the chloroplasts and affect the unsaturated components of cutins. Significant amounts of 9,18-dihydroxyoctadec-10(trans)-enoic and 10,18-dihydroxyoctadec-8(trans)-enoic acids resulting from the reduction of these photoproducts of 18-hydroxyoleic acid were also detected in different natural samples. These results well support the significance of the photooxidation of the unsaturated components of higher plant cutins in the natural environment.