Objective: To present treatment effectiveness of 923 consecutive cases of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) using canalith repositioning, liberatory, and log roll maneuvers combined with redistribution exercises.
Study design: Retrospective case review.
Methods: Patients presented with either posterior semicircular canal (P-SCC) BPPV or horizontal semicircular canal (H-SCC) BPPV. Diagnosis was based on patient history of transient paroxysmal vertigo and a positive Dix-Hallpike response with either torsional or horizontal nystagmus. Patients with P-SCC BPPV numbered 840, and 83 patients had H-SCC BPPV. In the original study, there were 1,000 patients; however, 77 patients were dropped from the study because of lack of follow-through. Intervention was canalith repositioning, liberatory maneuvers, log roll maneuvers, and redistribution exercises. Patients numbering 607 were treated with canalith repositioning, 233 patients had liberatory maneuvers, and 83 received log roll maneuvers. All patients received redistribution exercises before treatment maneuvers. After intervention, patients were reassessed at 6 months.
Results: There were 601 women and 322 men from ages 12 to 94 (median 55) years. The average duration of symptoms before intervention was 30 months. Outcome measures were considered met when symptoms of BPPV had abated and patients demonstrated a negative Dix-Hallpike response. In the repositioning group, 94% of patients were symptom free or improved, 98% in the liberatory maneuver group and 100% in the log roll group. The average number of sessions was three for all groups. Recurrence of symptoms was demonstrated in 140 (16%) patients at 6 months.
Conclusions: Treatment of BPPV can be effective using either repositioning, liberatory, or log roll maneuvers in combination with redistribution exercises.