Objectives: Using a taxonomy of object play, this study describes methodological issues in using retrospective video analysis and computer-based coding as a research tool for early identification of autism.
Method: Home videos of 32 infants with autism (n= 11), developmental delay (n= 10), and typical development (n= 11) were edited and analyzed for duration and highest level of object play in four hierarchical categories (exploratory, relational, functional, symbolic) using The Observer 3.0.
Results: The three groups had similar levels of engagement with objects, and no statistically significant differences in duration of exploratory play. Higher levels of play were rarely evident at 9-12 months, however, the highest level achieved (functional play) was apparent only in the typical group.
Conclusion: This study provides the first naturalistic investigation of object play skills in infants with autism ages 9-12 months. It also demonstrates feasibility for using computer-based coding technology within the context of retrospective video analysis methods. Duration of exploratory play was not a discriminating feature of autism at this early age.