Objective: To discover the sexual satisfaction of young women treated with vaginal dilators for vaginal agenesis.
Design: Anonymous questionnaire study.
Main outcome measures: Comparison of sexual desire arousal lubrication, orgasm satisfaction and pain with a normal population.
Results: There was no significant difference between the study population and controls for the domains of sexual desire, sexual arousal, and satisfaction with a sexual relationship. There was, however, a significant difference for vaginal lubrication and orgasm where the Rokitansky patients scored lower. 22.3% of patients reported some degree of dyspareunia following vaginal penetration. However, this did not affect their enjoyment of the sexual act.
Conclusion: The use of graduated vaginal dilators for patients with Mullerian agenesis is highly successful in creating a neovagina. Although the lack of adequate lubrication, pain and difficulty in reaching orgasm is significantly higher in this group, the patients subsequently enjoy sexual satisfaction that is comparable to a normal population.