The cDNA for human endo-alpha1,2-mannosidase was reconstructed using two independent EST-clones and its properties characterized. The 2837 bp cDNA construct contained a 1389 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding for 462 amino acids and an approximately 53.6 kDa protein, respectively. Hydrophobicity analysis of this amino acid sequence, as well as proteolytic degradation studies, indicate that the enzyme is a type II protein, anchored in the membrane via a 19 amino-acid long apolar sequence close to the N-terminus. Human endo-alpha1,2-mannosidase displays a high degree of sequence identity with the catalytic domain of the homologous rat liver endo-enzyme, but differs substantially in the N-terminal peptide region, which includes the transmembrane domain. No sequence similarity exists with other processing alpha-glycosidases. Based on sequence information provided by the 2837 bp construct, the cDNA consisting of the complete 1389 bp ORF was amplified by RT-PCR using human fibroblast RNA. Incubation of E. coli lysates with this cDNA, previously modified for boost translation by codon optimization, resulted in the synthesis of an approximately 52 kDa protein which degraded [(14)C]Glc(3)-Man(9)-GlcNAc(2) efficiently, indicating that the catalytic domain of the enzyme folds correctly under cell-free conditions. Transfection of the endo-alpha1,2-mannosidase wild-type cDNA into COS 1 cells resulted in a moderate (approximately 1.5-fold) but reproducible increase of activity compared with control cells, whereas >18-fold increase in activity was measured after expression of a chimera containing green-fluorescent-protein (GFP) attached to the N-terminus of the endo-alpha1,2-mannosidase polypeptide. This, together with the observation that GFP-endo-alpha1,2-mannosidase is expressed as a Golgi-resident type II protein, points to enzyme-specific parameters directing folding and membrane anchoring, as well as Golgi-targeting, not being affected by fusion of GFP to the endo-alpha1,2-mannosidase N-terminus.