We surveyed the potential contacts between an identified type of bipolar cell and retinal ganglion cells in the mouse. By crossing two existing mouse strains (line 357 and line GFP-M), we created a double transgenic strain in which GFP is expressed by all members of a single type of ON cone bipolar cell and a sparse, mixed population of retinal ganglion cells. The GFP-expressing bipolar cells appear to be those termed CB4a of Pignatelli & Strettoi [(2004) J. Comp. Neurol., 476, 254-266] and type 7 of Ghosh et al. [(2004) J. Comp. Neurol., 469, 70-82 and J. Comp. Neurol., 476, 202-203]. The labelled ganglion cells include examples of most or all types of ganglion cells present in the mouse. By studying the juxtaposition of their processes in three dimensions, we could learn which ganglion cell types are potential synaptic targets of the line 357 bipolar cell. Of 12 ganglion cell types observed, 10 types could be definitively ruled out as major synaptic targets of the line 357 bipolar cells. One type of monostratified ganglion cell and one bistratified cell tightly cofasciculate with axon terminals of the line 357 bipolar cells. Double labelling for kinesin II demonstrates colocalization of bipolar cell ribbons at the sites of contact between these two types of ganglion cell and the line 357 bipolar cells.