Objective: The study examines the relationship between pregnancy spacing and seven measures of maternal morbidity in Matlab, Bangladesh.
Method: The study analyzes maternal morbidity data on 11,122 women who visited a health center during their third trimester of pregnancy between 1996 and 2002. Adjusted odds ratios were obtained through logistic regression analysis to assess the effects of pregnancy intervals of differing lengths while holding constant other influences (six variables) on maternal morbidity.
Results: After controlling these variables, pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure are significantly more likely for women with preceding inter-pregnancy intervals of less than 6 months or 75 months or more compared to those with intervals of 27-50 months. Premature rupture of membranes is significantly more likely following inter-pregnancy intervals of 6-14 months, and edema is significantly more likely following inter-pregnancy intervals over 50 months.
Conclusion: Short and long inter-pregnancy intervals are associated with increased incidence of some maternal morbidities.