The aim of this study was to assess the tolerability and efficacy of N-chlorotaurine (NCT), an endogenous antimicrobial agent, in epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. In a prospective double-blind, randomized phase 2b study, the infected eyes were treated for 7 days with eye drops containing 1% aqueous solution of N-chlorotaurine (33 subjects) or gentamicin (27 subjects, control group). Adenovirus types 3, 4, 8, 19, and 37 were detected in 39 subjects (65%), enteroviruses in 8 (13.3%), and staphylococci in 5 (8.3%). Subjective and objective symptoms were scaled and added to a subjective and objective score, respectively, on day 1 (baseline), day 4, and day 8. Analyzing the whole study population, the subjective score on day 8 was lower in the NCT group (P = 0.016), whereas there were no differences in the objective score. However, in severe infections caused by adenovirus type 8 (n = 20) both the subjective and objective score were lower in the NCT group on day 4 (P = 0.003 and 0.015, respectively), which was also true for the subjective score on day 8 (P = 0.004) in this subgroup. The frequency of subepithelial infiltrates was similar in both groups. N-chlorotaurine was well-tolerated, shortened the duration of illness, and seems to be a useful causative therapeutic approach in severe epidemic keratoconjunctivitis.