An amperometric biosensor was constructed for analysis of human salivary phosphate without sample pretreatment. The biosensor was constructed by immobilizing pyruvate oxidase (PyOD) on a screen-printed electrode. The presence of phosphate in the sample causes the enzymatic generation of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), which was monitored by a potentiostat and was in proportion to the concentration of human salivary phosphate. The sensor shows response within 2s after the addition of standard solution or sample and has a short recovery time (2 min). The time required for one measurement using this phosphate biosensor was 4 min, which was faster than the time required using a commercial phosphate testing kit (10 min). The sensor has a linear range from 7.5 to 625 microM phosphate with a detection limit of 3.6 microM. A total of 50 salivary samples were collected for the determination of phosphate. A good level of agreement (R(2)=0.9646) was found between a commercial phosphate testing kit and the phosphate sensor. This sensor maintained a high working stability (>85%) after 12h operation and required only a simple operation procedure. The amperometric biosensor using PyOD is a simple and accurate tool for rapid determinations of human salivary phosphate, and it explores the application of biosensors in oral and dental research and diagnosis.