The humoral and cellular immune response to inactivated hepatitis A vaccine was investigated dynamically in a time elapse study over 1 year. Fourty-five healthy volunteers, seronegative for anti-HAV, were vaccinated with 1440 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay units (EU) of formalin-inactivated hepatitis A virus following a 0--6-month schedule. Serum anti-HAV levels and HAV-specific proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells were measured at several time points over a 26- and 28-week period after the first and second injection, respectively. Distinct B and T cell responses were determined within 14 days after primary vaccination. The booster vaccination-induced immediate peak levels for the humoral (anti-HAV GMC=5376mIU/ml) as well as the cellular (median Deltacpm=14173cpm) response.