Benefits of implementing an academic training of trainers program to promote knowledge and clarity in work with psychiatric suicidal patients

Arch Suicide Res. 2004;8(4):331-43. doi: 10.1080/13811110490476707.


A 200-hour academic, postgraduate training-of-trainers program in suicide prevention at Karolinska Institute for key mental healthcare staff, designed to enable them to enhance their co-workers' knowledge and job clarity, was evaluated in a panel study by means of questionnaires. Psychiatric staff working regularly with suicidal patients in clinics where key persons attended the course (n = 134, intervention group) were compared with staff working in clinics without participants (n = 166, control group). Perceptions of being sufficiently trained (p < .01) improved significantly among staff working in intervention clinics. Compared with the control group, the intervention group had a better understanding of essentials (p < .05); found instructions clearer (p < .01) and experienced fewer problems with superiors' differing views (p < .05) at follow up. Assistant nurses working in intervention clinics seem to have benefited most.