The removal of bottlenecks in discovery stage metabolite identification studies is an ongoing challenge for the pharmaceutical industry. We describe the use of an 'All-in-One' approach to metabolite characterization that leverages the fast scanning and high mass accuracy of hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (QqToFMS) instruments. Full-scan MS and MS/MS data is acquired using collision energy switching without the preselection, either manually or in a data-dependent manner, of precursor ions. The acquisition of 'clean' MS/MS data is assisted by the use of ultrahigh-performance chromatography. Data acquired using this method can then be mined post-acquisition in a number of ways. These include using narrow window extracted ion chromatograms (nwXICs) for expected biotransformations, XICs for the product ions of the parent compound and/or expected modification of these product ions, and neutral loss chromatograms. This approach has the potential to be truly comprehensive for the determination of in vitro biotransformations in a drug discovery environment.
Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.