The extent to which a "kiss-and-run" mode of endocytosis contributes to synaptic-vesicle recycling remains controversial. The only genetic evidence for kiss-and-run at the synapse comes from mutations in the genes encoding synaptojanin and endophilin, proteins that together function to uncoat vesicles in classical clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Here we have characterized the endocytosis that persists in null alleles of Drosophila synaptojanin and endophilin. In response to high-frequency stimulation, the synaptic-vesicle pool can be reversibly depleted in these mutants. Recovery from this depletion is slow and indicates the persistence of an impaired form of classical endocytosis. Steady-state exocytosis rates reveal that endocytosis saturates in mutant neuromuscular terminals at approximately 80 vesicles/s, 10%-20% of the wild-type rate. Analyses of quantal size, FM1-43 loading, and dynamin function further demonstrate that, even in the absence of synaptojanin or endophilin, vesicles undergo full fusion and re-formation. Therefore, no genetic evidence remains to indicate that synaptic vesicles undergo kiss-and-run.