[On prediction of folding nuclei in globular proteins]

Mol Biol (Mosk). 2005 Nov-Dec;39(6):1032-41.
[Article in Russian]


The approach described in this paper on the prediction of folding nuclei in globular proteins with known three dimensional structures is based on a search of the lowest saddle points through the barrier separating the unfolded state from the native structure on the free-energy landscape of protein chain. This search is performed by a dynamic programming method. Comparison of theoretical results with experimental data on the folding nuclei of two dozen of proteins shows that our model provides good phi value predictions for proteins whose structures have been determined by X-ray analysis, with a less limited success for proteins whose structures have been determined by NMR techniques only. Consideration of a full ensemble of transition states results in more successful prediction than consideration of only the transition states with the minimal free energy. In conclusion we have predicted the localization of folding nuclei for three dimensional protein structures for which kinetics of folding is studied now but the localization of folding nuclei is still unknown.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Kinetics
  • Models, Chemical*
  • Protein Folding*
  • Proteins / chemistry*


  • Proteins