An extended Fitzhugh-Nagumo model including linear viscoelasticity is derived in general and studied in detail in the one-dimensional case. The equations of the theory are numerically integrated in two situations: (i) a free insulated fiber activated by an initial Gaussian distribution of action potential, and (ii) a clamped fiber stimulated by two counter phased currents, located at both ends of the space domain. The former case accounts for a description of the physiological experiments on biological samples in which a fiber contracts because of the spread of action potential, and then relaxes. The latter case, instead, is introduced to extend recent models discussing a strongly electrically stimulated fiber so that nodal structures associated on quasistanding waves are produced. Results are qualitatively in agreement with physiological behavior of cardiac fibers. Modifications induced on the action potential of a standard Fitzhugh-Nagumo model appear to be very small even when strong external electric stimulations are activated. On the other hand, elastic backreaction is evident in the model.