Ninety-one spontaneously hyperthyroid cats were studied by two-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography with in a week before and 2-3 months following oral radioiodine administration. A statistical search was made for a correlation between any of the linear echocardiographic variables (pre- or posttreatment) and the serum total thyroxine concentrations (pre- or posttreatment). No clinically useful relationships were found. Echocardiographic values were compared with a 95% confidence interval constructed from a previous multiinstitutional report on unsedated normal cats. Observed pretreatment abnormalities were primarily increases in interventricular septal and left ventricular wall thickness with reversion toward normal following treatment. The presence or absence of previous treatment with methimazole or concurrent treatment with cardiac-related drugs (beta-adrenergic blocker, calcium channel blocker, or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) had no statistically identifiable effect on the echocardiographic variables. About 37% of the cats had one or more echocardiographic variable(s) outside the calculated normal range before radioiodine treatment, but about 32% of the cats had one or more echocardiographic variable(s) outside that range after treatment (45% of these were normal before treatment). The conclusions are that pretreatment T-4 assessment was not useful in determining which cats may have potentially relevant echocardiographic abnormalities, that some echocardiographic abnormalities may emerge after treatment, and that less than 10% of the pre- or posttreatment abnormalities would be considered clinically relevant.