The orthodontic "finishing" phase is recognized for the many details necessary to accomplish an excellent result. A high percentage of finishing-phase difficulties arise because of tooth size imbalances that could have been discovered and considered during the initial diagnosis and treatment planning. The aim of our study was to determine whether there is a prevalent tendency for intermaxillary tooth size discrepancies among different malocclusion groups. This study involved 60 subjects who served as the normal occlusion group and 300 patients divided into five malocclusion groups (ie, Class I, Class II, Class II division 1, Class II division 2, and Class III). Tooth size measurements were performed on the models of the normal occlusion group and the pretreatment models of the patients. The tooth size ratios and the one-way analysis of variance test showed no sexual dimorphism for these ratios in each of five groups, so the sexes were combined for each group. Then, these ratios were compared among different malocclusion groups. The results showed no significant difference between subcategories of malocclusion, so these groups were combined as Class I, Class II, and Class III. No significant difference was found for all the ratios between the groups.