A simple and efficient procedure for labeling neurons is a prerequisite for investigating the development of neural networks in zebrafish. To label neurons we used Kaede, a fluorescent protein with a photoconversion property allowing conversion from green to red fluorescence following irradiation with UV or violet light. We established a zebrafish stable transgenic line, Tg(HuC:Kaede), expressing Kaede in neurons under the control of the HuC promoter. This transgenic line was used to label a small number of neurons in the trigeminal ganglion. Also, using embryos injected with the transgene, we labeled peripheral axon arbors of a Rohon-Beard neuron at 4 days postfertilization and observed the dendrite development of a tectal neuron for 3 days. These data indicate that Kaede is a useful tool to selectively label neural networks in zebrafish.
(c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.