The copper content of grape and wine from 16 wine-farms in Italy was studied during the harvest of 2003. The influence of the number of copper applications, the period between the last application and harvest, and the total amount of copper applied was examined. Of the total number of samples analysed, 13% of grape samples and 18% of wine samples exceeded the maximum residue level (MRL). The total amount of copper applied and the number of days between the last application and harvest explained 44% of the concentration of copper in grape. This low correlation may be due to other influencing factors, such as meteorology and the application method. In 2003, conditions were unusually dry and the recommended safety interval for copper application (20 days) was not sufficient to guarantee a residue level in grape below the MRL (20 mg kg(-1)). In order to reduce the probability of copper residues being close to the MRL, a period of 40-50 days between the last application and harvest is suggested. Furthermore, the copper content of grape and wine was not dependent on the pest management strategy of the farm (conventional, integrated or organic). A more important factor influencing copper residue levels may be that copper applications are made in response to the prediction of a disease outbreak rather than being dependent on the pest management strategy in place. No difference in copper content was observed between red and white grape or wine.