A sporadic Wilms tumor, WT-21, with an (11;14)-(p13;q23) reciprocal translocation has been identified. The translocation is found in tumor cells, but not in the patients' circulating lymphocytes. Molecular analysis of somatic cell hybrids segregating the derivative translocation chromosomes reveals a submicroscopic interstitial deletion at the translocation breakpoint, as well as a cytologically undetectable interstitial deletion in the nontranslocation chromosome 11, resulting in a homozygous deletion in 11p13. Pulsed-field gel analysis of tumor DNA indicates that the two deletions are indistinguishable, and the homozygously deleted region is less than 875 kb. The homozygously deleted regions of three other sporadic Wilms tumors overlap with the deleted region in WT-21, and the candidate cDNA clone for the 11p13 Wilms tumor gene described by Call et al. (Cell 60, 509-520, 1990) is included in the deleted region. These findings strengthen previous conclusions regarding the obligate location for the 11p13 WT locus and support the suggestion that the Wilms tumor gene has been cloned.