The imprinted region on mouse distal chromosome 12 covers about 1 Mb and contains at least three paternally expressed genes (Pegs: Peg9/Dlk1, Peg11/Rtl1, and Dio3) and four maternally expressed genes (Megs: Meg3/Gtl2, antiPeg11/antiRlt1, Meg8/Rian, and Meg9/Mirg). Gtl2(lacZ) (Gene trap locus 2) mice have a transgene (TG) insertion 2.3 kb upstream from the Meg3/Gtl2 promoter and show about 40% growth retardation when the TG-inserted allele is paternally derived. Quantitative RT-PCR experiments showed that the expression levels of Pegs in this region were reduced below 50%. These results are consistent with the observed phenotype in Gtl2lacZ mice, because at least two Pegs(Peg9/Dlk1 and Dio3) have growth-promoting effects. The aberrant induction of Megs from silent paternal alleles was also observed in association with changes in the DNA methylation level of a differentially methylated region (DMR) located around Meg3/Gtl2 exon 1. Interestingly, a 60 approximately 80% reduction in all Megs was observed when the TG was maternally derived, although the pups showed no apparent growth or morphological abnormalities. Therefore, the paternal or maternal inheritance of the TG results in the down-regulation in cis of either Pegs or Megs, respectively, suggesting that the TG insertion influences the mechanism regulating the entire imprinted region.
2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.