Social interaction in nonhuman primates: an underlying theme for primate research

Lab Anim Sci. 1991 Aug;41(4):308-14.


Social living is assumed to be a critical feature of nonhuman primate existence inasmuch as most primate species live in social groups in nature. Recent USDA legislation emphasizes the importance of social contact in promoting psychological well-being and recommends that laboratory primates be housed with companions when consistent with research protocols. Our goals were to examine the link between social housing and psychological well-being and to explore the idea that research may be compromised when primates are studied in environments that vary too greatly from their natural ecological setting (individual cage housing versus group housing). Three general points emerge from these examinations. First, providing companionship may be a very potent way in which to promote psychological well-being in nonhuman primates; however, social living is not synonymous with well-being. The extent to which social housing promotes psychological well-being can vary across species and among individual members of the same species (for example, high- and low-ranking monkeys). Secondly, housing conditions can affect research outcomes in that group-housed animals may differ from individually housed animals in response to some manipulation. Social interaction may be a significant variable in regulating the biobehavioral responses of nonhuman primates to experimental manipulations. Finally, a larger number of socially housed subjects than individually housed subjects may be necessary for some biomedical research projects to yield adequate data analysis. Thus, social living has significant benefits and some potential costs not only for the animals themselves, but for the research enterprise.

Publication types

  • Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.
  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Animals
  • Haplorhini / psychology*
  • Interpersonal Relations*