Isotope Discrimination by Ribulose 1,5-Diphosphate Carboxylase: No Effect of Temperature or HCO(3) Concentration

Plant Physiol. 1976 Apr;57(4):580-2. doi: 10.1104/pp.57.4.580.


Carbon 13 isotope discrimination by ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase from soybean (Glycine max [Merr.] cv. Amsoy) was studied as a function of temperature, bicarbonate concentration, and pH. None of these factors affected the degree of discrimination against (13)C. The average delta(13)C was -28.3%, a value close to that found for whole C(3) plants. The zero temperature response observed here with ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase corroborates data from whole plants. The lack of effect of bicarbonate concentration on discrimination is consistent with both current theories of alternate forms of carboxylase.